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Gender Pay Gap Report 2022 


Companies with over 250 employees are required to report specific information regarding the pay gap between genders under the gender pay gap legislation. This is our third year of reporting and on analysis of the data we have successfully managed to reduce the gender pay gap. 

The date to which our report refers to is 5th April 2022.

As a catering business we have a majority of employees engaged at our catering sites serving customers and preparing food. Our catering sites are predominantly schools and colleges (98.5%). Mellors workforce therefore has a strong weighting towards operational roles which are mainly held by women. This makes the statistical validity of any comparison based on gender challenging. 

The split of Mellors employees is dramatic. Number of employees 1746.

Total: Female 1654 (94.7%) Male 92 (5.3%) 

The averages in this report therefore is comparing the workforce of 94.7% female against 5.3% male. 

Mellors gender pay gap identifies the average paid to men and women across Mellors Catering Services; it is not a comparison of pay rates for men and women doing work of equal value. At individual site level it is Mellors policy to transfer staff under current terms and conditions as per TUPE regulations, and all sites receive the same annual rate of pay enhancement, with recognition of National Living Wage and NJC pay reviews. 

Hourly Pay 

The hourly pay for women is: 

  • Mean hourly pay: 25.6% lower than that for men 
  • Median hourly pay: 11.48% lower than that for men 

Pay quartiles 

The proportion of women and men in each payroll quartile is: Quartile Men Women 
Upper 12% 88% 
Upper Middle 2% 98% 
Lower Middle 2% 98% 
Lower 4% 96% 

Bonus Pay 

The bonus pay for women is: 

  • 25.9% lower than that for men (mean bonus pay) 
  • 25.6% lower than that for men (median bonus pay) 

The bonus schemes we operate vary across the different roles within our business. More females within the business received bonus payments than males. 

Company Management 

The senior and management team consists of 36 employees of which 21 are female. This ratio has improved since our published report last year. 

We promote a culture of equality within our business and encourage succession for every job role. 

Thank you for your time and consideration in reading this report. I confirm that the information contained within is accurate and in line with government reporting regulations. 

Mark Timmerman 
Managing Director 
Date of report 05.04.23 

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