Let’s keep catering eco-friendly!

Posted: 28th January 2020 | Category: Promotions


Being eco-friendly isn’t just a trend, or a resolution to make one or two changes throughout 2020. It’s a continuous need and we should always be on the lookout for various ways to become more and more eco-friendly, constantly!

Here at Mellors we have collated 3 easy and simple tips, which can be done almost immediately, on how to contribute towards keeping catering eco-friendly in your kitchens and at home.

Menu choices

It’s become a well-known fact recently, that farming vegetables is much more sustainable than farming animals. The livestock sector is one of the most significant contributors to the most serious environmental problems.  A considerable impact can be made on the environment by just choosing one day a week to try a meat-free menu.

Veganism felt as if it was once just a trend but feels as if it is now an important lifestyle choice for many people, and many companies clearly feel this way too. There has been an increase in meat-free recipes and products out on the market so trying to fit some tasty meat-free food into your menu couldn’t be easier.

Using sustainable materials

In more and more places, you will find paper straws or even no straws as a replacement of plastic straws. It has now become normal to cut these products out completely and you could even find yourself looking down on companies that haven’t yet made the switch.

Substituting plastic straws is an amazing step in the right direction, and there are so many other items you can switch out for more environmentally friendly options. For example, plastic cutlery can be replaced by reusable cutlery. Which could also save you money in the long term.

Beverage stations

Having reusable drink stations (without plastic cups), will motivate people to bring or use reusable cups or reusable water bottles. By investing in stations, the disposable plastic can decrease dramatically. Also, you can offer healthier alternatives to bottled water and fizzy drinks by infusing beverages with fresh fruits.

We hope these simple tips help you to think more about your impact on the environment. If you’d like to share some more tips with us, why not get in touch on twitter?